Pak/ed - Latest Questions and Articles

Pak/ed - Latest Questions and Articles

Chemistry of Leonurus Cardianca, Nepeta Crassifolia and Salvia Nubicola (Lamiaceae).

Isolation and Characterization of Chemical Consituents of Otostegia Lambata, Astragalus Psilocentros and Conyza Bonariensis

Isolation and Structure Elucidation of Bioactive Metabolites from Astragalus Bicuspis and Related Medicinal Plants

Pollution Status Evaluation of Drinking Water of Karachi with Special Attention to Hg, As and Se” w.e.f .30-05-2006.

Phytochemical Investigations on Aerva Persica Burm.F

Isolation, Structural and Bioransformation Studies on Secondary Metabolites from Iris Tenuifolia and Related Medicinal Plants

Studies on Antioxidant and Anti-Obesity Bioactive Compounds from Medicinal Plants of Pakistan and of Synthetic Origin

Studies on Heteroatom Containing Bioorganic Molecules Via Synthetic Transformations in Search of Potential Lead Compounds and Iridium Catalyzed Asymmetric Hydrogenations of Tri-Substituted Unfunctiona

Isolation and Characterization of Bioactive Natural Products from Guaicum Officinale, Zygophyllum Atriplicoides and Zygophyllum Simplex

Phytochemical Studies of Lantana Camara Linn. and Structure Activity Relationship of Reserpine Analogues

Studies on the Chemical Constituents of the Aefial Parts of Cordia Latifolia

Modified Topic Phytochemical Investigation on the Chemical Constituents of Perovskia Atriplicifolia and the Synthesis of Supramolecules

Studies on the Chemical Constituents of the Fruits of Madhuca Indica

Secondary Metabolites from Marine Fungi of the Arabian Sea

Isolation of Bioactive Chemical Constituents from Bombax Ceiba and Aegle Marmelos

Constituents of Solanum Surat and Coronopus Didymus

Phytochemical Investigation on the Constituents of Launaea Nudicaulis and Launaea Resedifolia

Isolation and Structure Elucidation of the Chemical Constituents of Ocimum Basilicum and Centella Asiatica and Synthesis of Lawsonicin and its Relative Dihydrobenzofuran Derivatives

Isolation, Purification and Characterization of Proteases from Cuminum Cyminum

Phytochemical Investigation on the Constituents of Amberboa Ramosa

Phytochemical Investigations on the Chemical Constituents of Salvadora Oleoides and Enantioselective Receptors for Chiral Recognition of Amino Acid

Chemistry ff Euphorbia Wallichii Hook F. and Salvia Nubicola Wall

(A) Synthetic Manipulations of Bioactive Amino Sugar (B) Bioassay Guided Isolation and Characterization of Secondary Metabolites from Verbena Officinal

Assessment of the Efficacy Natural & Synthetic Compounds on Lipidimias Hypercholesterolemia Atherosclerosis & Related Metabolic & Haarmonal Abnormalities

Chemical Investigation on Bioactive Constituents of Vernonia Species and Related Medicnal Plants.

Structural Modification of Bioactive Compound by Microorganisms in Dthe Isolation of Secondary Metabolites from Funji

Isolation and Characterization of Secondary Metabolites from Myrtus Communis Linn., Delphinium Roylei Munz and Related Medical Plants

Isolation and Structural Studies on Phytochemical active Against Onychomycosis Causing Microorganisms

Biotranformational Studies on Bioactive Secondary Metabolites of Plant Origin

Isolation and Characterization of Bioactive Natural Products from Stocksia Brauhica

Synthesis and Characterization of the Complexes of Vanadium with Hydrazides; Potential Antidiabetic Agents

Studies on the Chemical Constituents of Various Parts of Morinda Citrifolia

Studies on New Natural and Synthetic Inhibitors of Urease

Redox Process in U (IV) Complex

Phytochemical Studies on the Steriodal and Triterpenoidal Constituents of Buxus Hyreana and Juniperus Communis

Phytochemical Studies on Haloxylon Recurvum, Silybum Marianum and Aerva Persica

Phytochemical Investigations on the Consituents of Prunus Armeniaca

Phytochemical Investigations on Hypericum Oblongifolium and Haloxylon Salicornicum

Phytochemical and Structural Studies on the Chemical Constituents of Iris Germanica, Cocculus Pendulus, and Related Medicinal Plants

Kinetic Study of Redox Reaction Between Diphenylamine and Thiosulfate

Isolation, Structure Elucidation and Biotransformation Studies on Secondary Metabolites from Withania Somnifera and Related Medicinal Plants

Chemistry of Two Solanaceous Plants from Nigeria: Solanum Erianthum D.Don and Solanum Torvum Sw

Chemical Constituents of Stachys Parviflora

Studies on the Chemical Constituents of the Seeds of Piper Nigrum Linn

Studies on the Chemical Constituents of the Leaves of Psidium Guajava Linn. and Structure and Activity Relationship Studies on the Harmine Series of Alkaloids

Studies on the Chemical Constituents of Taraxacum Wallichii, Salvia Cabulica and Synthesis of the Analogues of Depsipeptide Jasplakinolide

Studies on the Chemical Constituents of Bombax and Cuscuta Reflexa

Studies on the Chemical Constituent of the Aerial Parts of Lawsonia Alba (Henna)

Studies on New Specific Inhibitors of Some Clinically Important Enzymes

Studies on New Inhibitors of Phosphodiesterases of Different Origins

Studies in the Chemical Constituents of Tagetes Efecta, Tagetes Patula and Phlox Drummondii

Phytochemical Studies on Terminalia Glaucescens, Pteleopsis Hyodendron and Related Medicinal Plants

Phytochemical Studies on Murraya Paniculta and Related Medicinal Plants of Pakistan and Microbial Transformation of Bioactive Compounds

Phytochemical Studies on Duranta Repens Linn and Ehretia Obtusifolia Hochst

Phytochemical Studies of Ballota Limbata and Achillea Vermicularis

Phytochemical Investigations on the Constitutents of Onosma Hispida Wall and Buddleja Crispa Benth

Phytochemical Investigations on the Chemical Constituents of Vitex Negundo Linn. and Amaranthus Spinosus Linn

Phytochemical Investigation on the Chemical Constituents of Indigofera Hertrabtha Wall. Urtica Piluliferalinn and Periploca Aphylladecne

Phytochemical and Pharmacological Studies on the Constituents of Isodon Rugosus and Chemotaxonomic Studies on Indian Celery

Kinetic Determination of Iron and Spectrophotometric Determination of Mercury by Exploiting the Reactions of Neutral Red

Isolation of Bioactive Compounds from Symplocos Racemosa, Platytaenia Multicaule and Sarcostemma Viminale

Geographical Information System (GIS) Linked Evaluation of the Groundwater Pollution and Its Sources Effecting Environment of the Karachi City and Its Coastal Region

Determination of the Concentration of Heavy Metals in Mangrove and in Sediments

Chemistry of Salvia Nubicola, Salvia Hypoleuca and Mentha Longifolia

Chemistry and Pharmacology of Some Leguminosaeous Plants and Marine Brown Alga Dictyoata Dichotoma

Trace Element Assessment of Piper Betel (Paan) Plant and Soil in Sindh & Baluchistan

Synthesis and Synthetic Transformation of Heterocyclic Compounds and Natural Products in Search of Useful Therapeutic Agents

Synthesis and Biological Studies on Some Heteroatom Containing Molecules and Phytochemical Investigation on Salsola Foetida

Stuides on the Chemical Constituents of the Flowers of Azadirachta Indica (Neem)

Studies on the Structural Modification of Steroids and Related Compounds by Microorganisms

Studies on the Chemical Constituents of Lantana Camara Linn

Studies in the Chemical Constituents of Murraya Paniculata and Ipomoea Hederacea

Studies in the Chemical Constituents of Erigeron Canadensis (Conyza Canadensis) and Berchemia Pakistanica

Structural Characterization of Tumor Suppressor Proteins in Breast Cancer

Structural Characterization of Biologically Important Proteinase and Its Inhibitors by Homology Modeling

Phytochemical Studies on Aconitum Falconeri and Related Medicinal Plants

Phytochemical Investigations on Chemical Constituents of Paeonia Edodi Wall Alysicarpus Monolifer Linn. and Ajuga Bracteosa Wall

Phytochemical Investigation on Chemical Constituents of Sarcococca Saligna, Ficus Religiosa and Related Medicinal Plants and Synthetic Studies Towards the New Heterocyclic Compounds

Microbial Transformation of Bioactive Cyclic Natural Products

Kinetics of Methylene Blue with Organic Reductants

Isolation, Characterization of Bioactive Natural Products from Tanacetum Artemisioides, Euphorbia Decipiens and Ranunculus Laetus

Isolation and Structure Elucidation of Secondary Metabolites from Leucosceptrum Canum and Related Medicinal Plants

Isolation and Characterization of Metabolites from Marine Fungi of Arabian Sea and Microbial Transformation of Some Bioactive Comopunds

Isolation and Biotransformation of Some Bioactive Compounds from Medicinal Plants

Interaction Studies of Clarithromycin, Erythromycin with Essentyial and Trace Elements

Chemistry and Pharmaology of Some Rutaceous Plants and Marine Red and Brown Algae of Arabian Sea

Bioprospecting Studies on Sarcococca Hookeriana Baill., Sonchus Wightianus Dc., Paris Polyphylla Smith and Related Medicinal Plants of Nepal

Bioassay-Directed Isolation of Natural Products from Boswellia Papyrifera, Paris Polyphylla, Sophora Mollis and Related Medicinal Plants

Bioactive Chemical Constituents of Symplocos Racemosa and Commiphora Mukul

Antioxidants from Medicinal Plants and of Synthetic Origin

December 22, 2024

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