Pak/ed - Latest Questions and Articles

Pak/ed - Latest Questions and Articles

Oracle DB Error ORA-01202 wrong incarnation of this file - wrong creation time

Oracle DB Error ORA-01201 file string header failed to write correctly

How to capitalize first letter of all sentences in a Word document?

Oracle DB Error ORA-01200 actual file size of string is smaller than correct size of string blocks

Oracle DB Error ORA-01199 file string is not in online backup mode

Oracle DB Error ORA-01198 must specify size for log file if RESETLOGS

Oracle DB Error ORA-01197 thread string only contains one log

Oracle DB Error ORA-01196 file string is inconsistent due to a failed media recovery session

Oracle DB Error ORA-01195 online backup of file string needs more recovery to be consistent

Oracle DB Error ORA-01194 file string needs more recovery to be consistent

Oracle DB Error ORA-01193 file string is not the same file seen at start of recovery

Oracle DB Error ORA-01192 must have at least one enabled thread

Oracle DB Error ORA-01191 file string is already offline - cannot do a normal offline

Oracle DB Error ORA-01190 controlfile or data file string is from before the last RESETLOGS

Oracle DB Error ORA-01189 file is from a different RESETLOGS than previous files

Oracle DB Error ORA-01188 Block size string in header does not match physical block size string

Oracle DB Error ORA-01187 cannot read from file string because it failed verification tests

Oracle DB Error ORA-01186 file string failed verification tests

Oracle DB Error ORA-01185 logfile group number string is invalid

Oracle DB Error ORA-01184 logfile group string already exists

Oracle DB Error ORA-01183 cannot mount database in SHARED mode

Oracle DB Error ORA-01182 cannot create database file string - file is in use or recovery

Oracle DB Error ORA-01181 file string created before last RESETLOGS, cannot recreate

Oracle DB Error ORA-01180 can not create datafile 1

Oracle DB Error ORA-01179 file string does not exist

Oracle DB Error ORA-01178 file string created before last CREATE CONTROLFILE, cannot recreate

Oracle DB Error ORA-01177 data file does not match dictionary - probably old incarnation

Oracle DB Error ORA-01176 data dictionary has more than the string files allowed by the controlfie

Oracle DB Error ORA-01175 data dictionary has more than the string files allowed by the instance

Oracle DB Error ORA-01174 DB_FILES is string buts needs to be string to be compatible

Oracle DB Error ORA-01147 SYSTEM tablespace file string is offline

Oracle DB Error ORA-01146 cannot start online backup - file string is already in backup

Oracle DB Error ORA-01145 offline immediate disallowed unless media recovery enabled

Oracle DB Error ORA-01144 File size (string blocks) exceeds maximum of string blocks

Oracle DB Error ORA-01143 cannot disable media recovery - file string needs media recovery

Oracle DB Error ORA-01118 cannot add any more database files: limit of string exceeded

Oracle DB Error ORA-01116 error in opening database file string

Oracle DB Error ORA-01115 IO error reading block from file string (block # string)

Oracle DB Error ORA-01084 invalid argument in OCI call

Oracle DB Error ORA-01142 cannot end online backup - none of the files are in backup

Oracle DB Error ORA-01140 cannot end online backup - all files are offline

Oracle DB Error ORA-01139 RESETLOGS option only valid after an incomplete database recovery

Oracle DB Error ORA-01138 database must either be open in this instance or not at all

Oracle DB Error ORA-01137 data file string is still in the middle of going offline

Oracle DB Error ORA-01136 specified size of file string (string blocks) is less than original size of string blocks

Oracle DB Error ORA-01135 file string accessed for DML/query is offline

Oracle DB Error ORA-01134 database mounted exclusive by another instance

Oracle DB Error ORA-01131 DB_FILES system parameter value string exceeds limit of string

Oracle DB Error ORA-01130 database file version string incompatible with Oracle DB Error ORACLE version string

Oracle DB Error ORA-01128 cannot start online backup - file string is offline

Oracle DB Error ORA-01126 database must be mounted EXCLUSIVE and not open for this operation

Oracle DB Error ORA-01125 cannot disable media recovery - file string has online backup set

Oracle DB Error ORA-01124 cannot recover data file string - file is in use or recovery

Oracle DB Error ORA-01123 cannot start online backup; media recovery not enabled

Oracle DB Error ORA-01122 database file string failed verification check

Oracle DB Error ORA-01121 cannot rename database file string - file is in use or recovery

Oracle DB Error ORA-01120 cannot remove online database file string

Oracle DB Error ORA-01119 error in creating database file string

Oracle DB Error ORA-00964 table name not in FROM list

Oracle DB Error ORA-00963 unsupported interval type

Oracle DB Error ORA-00962 too many group-by / order-by expressions

Oracle DB Error ORA-00960 ambiguous column naming in select list

Oracle DB Error ORA-00958 missing CHECK keyword

Oracle DB Error ORA-00957 duplicate column name

Oracle DB Error ORA-00956 missing or invalid auditing option

Oracle DB Error ORA-00955 name is already used by an existing object

Oracle DB Error ORA-00954 missing IDENTIFIED keyword

Oracle DB Error ORA-00953 missing or invalid index name

Oracle DB Error ORA-00952 missing GROUP keyword

Oracle DB Error ORA-00951 cluster not empty

Oracle DB Error ORA-00950 invalid DROP option

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Oracle DB Error ORA-01110 data file string: strin

Oracle DB Error ORA-01114 IO error writing block to file string (block # string)

Oracle DB Error ORA-01113 file string needs media recovery

Oracle DB Error ORA-01112 media recovery not started

Oracle DB Error ORA-01111 name for data file string is unknown - rename to correct file

Oracle DB Error ORA-01109 database not open

Error: Unable to load client print protocol

December 25, 2024

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