Pak/ed - Latest Questions and Articles

Pak/ed - Latest Questions and Articles

What is the difference between Visual Studio Professional and Ultimate?

Oracle DB Error ORA-02204 ALTER, INDEX and EXECUTE not allowed for views

Oracle DB Error ORA-02203 INITIAL storage options not allowed

Oracle DB Error ORA-02202 no more tables permitted in this cluster

Oracle DB Error ORA-02201 sequence not allowed here

Oracle DB Error ORA-02200 WITH GRANT OPTION not allowed for PUBLIC

Oracle DB Error ORA-02199 missing DATAFILE/TEMPFILE clause

Oracle DB Error ORA-02198 ONLINE/OFFLINE option already specified

Oracle DB Error ORA-02197 file list already specified

Oracle DB Error ORA-02196 PERMANENT/TEMPORARY option already specified

Oracle DB Error ORA-02195 Attempt to create string object in a string tablespace

Oracle DB Error ORA-02194 event specification syntax error string (minor error string) near string

Oracle DB Error ORA-02192 PCTINCREASE not allowed for rollback segment storage clauses

Oracle DB Error ORA-02191 correct syntax is: SET TRANSACTION USE ROLLBACK SEGMENT rbs

Oracle DB Error ORA-02190 keyword TABLES expected

Oracle DB Error ORA-02189 ON tablespace required

Oracle DB Error ORA-02187 invalid quota specification

Oracle DB Error ORA-02186 tablespace resource privilege may not appear with other privileges

Oracle DB Error ORA-02185 a token other than WORK follows COMMIT

Oracle DB Error ORA-02184 resource quotas are not allowed in REVOKE


Oracle DB Error ORA-02182 savepoint name expected

Oracle DB Error ORA-02181 invalid option to ROLLBACK WORK

Oracle DB Error ORA-02180 invalid option for CREATE TABLESPACE


Oracle DB Error ORA-02178 correct syntax is: SET TRANSACTION READ { ONLY | WRITE }

Oracle DB Error ORA-02177 Missing required group number

Oracle DB Error ORA-02176 invalid option for CREATE ROLLBACK SEGMENT

Oracle DB Error ORA-02175 invalid rollback segment name

Oracle DB Error ORA-02174 Missing required thread number

Oracle DB Error ORA-02173 invalid option for DROP TABLESPACE

Oracle DB Error ORA-02172 The PUBLIC keyword is not appropriate for a disable thread

Oracle DB Error ORA-02171 invalid value for MAXLOGHISTORY

Oracle DB Error ORA-02170 FREELIST GROUPS storage option not allowed

Oracle DB Error ORA-02169 FREELISTS storage option not allowed

Oracle DB Error ORA-02168 invalid value for FREELISTS

Oracle DB Error ORA-02167 LOGFILE clause specified more than once

Oracle DB Error ORA-02166 ARCHIVELOG and NOARCHIVELOG specified

Oracle DB Error ORA-02165 invalid option for CREATE DATABASE

Oracle DB Error ORA-02164 DATAFILE clause specified more than once

Oracle DB Error ORA-02163 invalid value for FREELIST GROUPS

Oracle DB Error ORA-02162 invalid value for MAXDATAFILES

Oracle DB Error ORA-02161 invalid value for MAXLOGFILES

Oracle DB Error ORA-02160 index-organized table can not contain columns of type LONG

Oracle DB Error ORA-02159 installed DLM does not support releasable locking mode

Oracle DB Error ORA-02158 invalid CREATE INDEX option

Oracle DB Error ORA-02157 no options specified for ALTER USER

Oracle DB Error ORA-02156 invalid TEMPORARY tablespace identifier

Oracle DB Error ORA-02155 invalid DEFAULT tablespace identifier

Oracle DB Error ORA-02153 invalid VALUES password string

Oracle DB Error ORA-02149 Specified partition does not exist

Oracle DB Error ORA-02148 EXCLUSIVE specified multiple times

Oracle DB Error ORA-02147 conflicting SHARED/EXCLUSIVE options

Oracle DB Error ORA-02146 SHARED specified multiple times

Oracle DB Error ORA-02145 missing STORAGE option

Oracle DB Error ORA-02144 no option specified for ALTER CLUSTER

Oracle DB Error ORA-02143 invalid STORAGE option

Oracle DB Error ORA-02142 missing or invalid ALTER TABLESPACE option

Oracle DB Error ORA-02141 invalid OFFLINE option

Oracle DB Error ORA-02140 invalid tablespace name

Oracle DB Error ORA-02111 PCC: heap consistency error

Oracle DB Error ORA-02110 PCC: inconsistent host cache (invalid sqi type)

Oracle DB Error ORA-02109 PCC: inconsistent host cache (out-of-range sit ref)

Oracle DB Error ORA-02108 PCC: invalid descriptor passed to run-time library

Oracle DB Error ORA-02107 PCC: this pgm too old for run-time library: please re-PCC it

Oracle DB Error ORA-02106 PCC: inconsistent cursor cache (OraCursor nr is bad)

Oracle DB Error ORA-02105 PCC: inconsistent cursor cache (no cuc entry in cache)

Oracle DB Error ORA-02104 PCC: inconsistent host cache (no cuc available)

Oracle DB Error ORA-02103 PCC: inconsistent cursor cache (out-of-range cuc ref)

Oracle DB Error ORA-02102 PCC: inconsistent cursor cache (no cuc entry for this uce)

Oracle DB Error ORA-02101 PCC: inconsistent cursor cache (uce/cuc mismatch)

Oracle DB Error ORA-02100 PCC: out of memory (i.e., could not allocate)

Oracle DB Error ORA-02046 distributed transaction already begun

Oracle DB Error ORA-02045 too many local sessions participating in global transaction

Oracle DB Error ORA-02044 transaction manager login denied: transaction in progress

Oracle DB Error ORA-02063 preceding stringstring from stringstring

Oracle DB Error ORA-02062 distributed recovery received DBID string, expected string

Oracle DB Error ORA-02061 lock table specified list of distributed tables

Oracle DB Error ORA-02060 select for update specified a join of distributed tables

Oracle DB Error ORA-02059 Oracle DB Error ORA-2PC-CRASH-TEST-string in commit comment

Oracle DB Error ORA-02058 no prepared transaction found with ID string

Oracle DB Error ORA-02057 2PC: string: bad two-phase recovery state number string from string

Oracle DB Error ORA-02056 2PC: string: bad two-phase command number string from string

Oracle DB Error ORA-02055 distributed update operation failed; rollback required

Oracle DB Error ORA-02054 transaction string in-doubt

Oracle DB Error ORA-02053 transaction string committed, some remote DBs may be in-doubt

Oracle DB Error ORA-02052 remote transaction failure at string

Oracle DB Error ORA-02051 another session in same transaction failed

Oracle DB Error ORA-02050 transaction string rolled back, some remote DBs may be in-doubt

Oracle DB Error ORA-02049 timeout: distributed transaction waiting for lock

February 25, 2025

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