Pak/ed - Latest Questions and Articles
Pak/ed - Latest Questions and Articles
Punjab University - Affiliated Colleges in Lahore
Datesheet - M.Sc Home Economics (Punjab University)
PU - M.Sc Home Economics Part-I and Part-II 2nd Annual Examinations, 2010
Oracle DB Error ORA-02705 osnpol: polling of communication channel failed
Oracle DB Error ORA-02704 osndopop: fork failed
Oracle DB Error ORA-02703 osnpopipe: pipe creation failed
Oracle DB Error ORA-02702 osnoraenv: error translating orapop image name
Oracle DB Error ORA-02701 osnoraenv: error translating oracle image name
Oracle DB Error ORA-02700 osnoraenv: error translating ORACLE_SID
Oracle DB Error ORA-02495 cannot resize file string, tablespace string is read only
Oracle DB Error ORA-02494 invalid or missing maximum file size in MAXSIZE clause
Oracle DB Error ORA-02493 invalid file increment size in NEXT clause
Oracle DB Error ORA-02492 missing required file block increment size in NEXT clause
Oracle DB Error ORA-02491 missing required keyword ON or OFF in AUTOEXTEND clause
Oracle DB Error ORA-02490 missing required file size in RESIZE clause
Oracle DB Error ORA-02486 Error in writing trace file string
Oracle DB Error ORA-02483 Syntax error in process specification (string)
Oracle DB Error ORA-02482 Syntax error in event specification (string)
Oracle DB Error ORA-02481 Too many processes specified for events (max string)
Oracle DB Error ORA-02479 error while translating file name for parallel load
Oracle DB Error ORA-02478 merge into base segment would overflow MAXEXTENTS limit
Oracle DB Error ORA-02477 can not perform parallel direct load on object string
Oracle DB Error ORA-02476 can not create index due to parallel direct load on table
Oracle DB Error ORA-02475 maximum cluster chain block count of string has been exceeded
Oracle DB Error ORA-02474 Fixed hash area extents used (string) exceeds maximum allowed (string)
Oracle DB Error ORA-02473 Error while evaluating the clusters hash expression.
Oracle DB Error ORA-02472 PL/SQL functions not allowed in hash expressions
Oracle DB Error ORA-02471 SYSDATE, UID, USER, ROWNUM, or LEVEL incorrectly used in hash expression.
Oracle DB Error ORA-02470 TO_DATE, USERENV, or SYSDATE incorrectly used in hash expression.
Oracle DB Error ORA-02469 Hash expression does not return an Oracle Number.
Oracle DB Error ORA-02468 Constant or system variable wrongly specified in expression
Oracle DB Error ORA-02467 Column referenced in expression not found in cluster definition
Oracle DB Error ORA-02466 The SIZE option is not allow to be altered for HASH CLUSTERS
Oracle DB Error ORA-02465 Inappropriate use of the HASH IS option
Oracle DB Error ORA-02464 Cluster definition can not be both HASH and INDEX
Oracle DB Error ORA-02463 Duplicate HASH IS option specified
Oracle DB Error ORA-02462 Duplicate INDEX option specified
Oracle DB Error ORA-02461 Inappropriate use of the INDEX option
Oracle DB Error ORA-02460 Inappropriate index operation on a hash cluster
Oracle DB Error ORA-02459 Hashkey value must be a positive integer
Oracle DB Error ORA-02458 HASHKEYS must be specified for a HASH CLUSTER
Oracle DB Error ORA-02457 The HASH IS option must specify a valid column
Oracle DB Error ORA-02456 The HASH IS column specification must be NUMBER(*,0)
Oracle DB Error ORA-02455 The number of cluster key column must be 1
Oracle DB Error ORA-02454 Number of hash keys per block (string) exceeds maximum of string
Oracle DB Error ORA-02453 duplicate HASH IS specification
Oracle DB Error ORA-02452 invalid HASHKEYS option value
Oracle DB Error ORA-02451 duplicate HASHKEYS specification
Oracle DB Error ORA-02450 Invalid hash option - missing keyword IS
Oracle DB Error ORA-02448 constraint does not exist
Oracle DB Error ORA-02447 cannot defer a constraint that is not deferrable
Oracle DB Error ORA-02446 CREATE TABLE ... AS SELECT failed - check constraint violated
Oracle DB Error ORA-02445 Exceptions table not found
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Oracle DB Error ORA-02444 Cannot resolve referenced object in referential constraints
Oracle DB Error ORA-02443 Cannot drop constraint - nonexistent constraint
Oracle DB Error ORA-02442 Cannot drop nonexistent unique key
Oracle DB Error ORA-02441 Cannot drop nonexistent primary key
Oracle DB Error ORA-02440 Create as select with referential constraints not allowed
Oracle DB Error ORA-02439 Unique index on a deferrable constraint is not allowed
Oracle DB Error ORA-02438 Column check constraint cannot reference other columns
Oracle DB Error ORA-02437 cannot validate (string.string) - primary key violated
Oracle DB Error ORA-02436 date or system variable wrongly specified in CHECK constraint
Oracle DB Error ORA-02435 cannot disable unique(string) - unique key not defined for table
Oracle DB Error ORA-02434 cannot enable unique(string) - unique key not defined for table
Oracle DB Error ORA-02433 cannot disable primary key - primary key not defined for table
Oracle DB Error ORA-02432 cannot enable primary key - primary key not defined for table
Oracle DB Error ORA-02431 cannot disable constraint (string) - no such constraint
Oracle DB Error ORA-02430 cannot enable constraint (string) - no such constraint
Oracle DB Error ORA-02429 cannot drop index used for enforcement of unique/primary key
Oracle DB Error ORA-02428 could not add foreign key reference
Oracle DB Error ORA-02427 create view failed
Oracle DB Error ORA-02426 privilege grant failed
Oracle DB Error ORA-02425 create table failed
Oracle DB Error ORA-02424 potential circular view references or unknown referenced tables
Oracle DB Error ORA-02423 schema name does not match schema authorization identifier
February 25, 2025
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