Pak/ed - Latest Questions and Articles

Pak/ed - Latest Questions and Articles

Oracle DB Error ORA-06534 cannot access Serially Reusable package string in the context of a trigger

Oracle DB Error ORA-06533 Subscript beyond count

Oracle DB Error ORA-06532 Subscript outside of limit

Oracle DB Error ORA-06531 Reference to uninitialized collection

Oracle DB Error ORA-06530 Reference to uninitialized composite

Oracle DB Error ORA-06529 Version mismatch - PL/SQL profiler

Oracle DB Error ORA-06528 Error executing PL/SQL profiler

Oracle DB Error ORA-06527 External procedure SQLLIB error: string

Oracle DB Error ORA-06526 Unable to load PL/SQL library

Oracle DB Error ORA-06525 Length Mismatch for CHAR or RAW data

Oracle DB Error ORA-06524 Unsupported option : string

Oracle DB Error ORA-06523 Maximum number of arguments exceeded

Oracle DB Error ORA-06522 string

Oracle DB Error ORA-06521 PL/SQL: Error mapping function

Oracle DB Error ORA-06520 PL/SQL: Error loading external library

Oracle DB Error ORA-06519 active autonomous transaction detected and rolled back

Oracle DB Error ORA-06518 PL/SQL: Probe version string incompatible with version string

Oracle DB Error ORA-06517 PL/SQL: Probe error - string

Oracle DB Error ORA-06516 PL/SQL: the Probe packages do not exist or are invalid

Oracle DB Error ORA-06515 PL/SQL: unhandled exception string

Oracle DB Error ORA-06514 PL/SQL: The remote call cannot be handled by the server

Oracle DB Error ORA-06513 PL/SQL: index for PL/SQL table out of range for host language array

Oracle DB Error ORA-06512 at string line string

Oracle DB Error ORA-06511 PL/SQL: cursor already open

Oracle DB Error ORA-06510 PL/SQL: unhandled user-defined exception

Oracle DB Error ORA-06509 PL/SQL: ICD vector missing for this package

Oracle DB Error ORA-06508 PL/SQL: could not find program unit being called

Oracle DB Error ORA-06505 PL/SQL: variable requires more than 32767 bytes of contiguous memory

Oracle DB Error ORA-06504 PL/SQL: Return types of Result Set variables or query do not match

Oracle DB Error ORA-06503 PL/SQL: Function returned without value

Oracle DB Error ORA-06502 PL/SQL: numeric or value error string

Oracle DB Error ORA-06501 PL/SQL: program error

Oracle DB Error ORA-06500 PL/SQL: storage error

Oracle DB Error ORA-06449 The list IO or the sysvendor is not installed.

Oracle DB Error ORA-06448 ssvpstp: Failed with unexpected error number.

Oracle DB Error ORA-06447 ssvpstp: Incorrect parameter passed to function call

Oracle DB Error ORA-06446 ssvpstevrg: Failed with unexpected error number.

Oracle DB Error ORA-06445 ssvpstevrg: Incorrect parameters passed to function call

Oracle DB Error ORA-06444 ssvpstev: Failed with unexpected error number.

Oracle DB Error ORA-06443 ssvpstev: Incorrect parameter passed to function call

Oracle DB Error ORA-06442 ssvwatev: Failed with unexpected error number.

Oracle DB Error ORA-06441 ssvwatev: Incorrect parameter passed to function call

Oracle DB Error ORA-06440 ssaio: the asynchronous read returned incorrect number of bytes

Oracle DB Error ORA-06439 ssaio: the asynchronous write returned incorrect number of bytes

Oracle DB Error ORA-06438 ssaio: the asynchronous read was unable to read from the database file.

Oracle DB Error ORA-06437 ssaio: the asynchronous write was unable to write to the database file.

Oracle DB Error ORA-06436 ssaio: asynchronous I/O failed due to incorrect parameters.

Oracle DB Error ORA-06435 ssaio: write error, unable to write requested block to database file.

Oracle DB Error ORA-06434 ssaio: read error, unable to read requested block from database file.

Oracle DB Error ORA-06433 ssaio: LSEEK error, unable to seek to requested block.

Oracle DB Error ORA-06432 ssaio: Buffer Not Aligned

Oracle DB Error ORA-06431 ssaio: Invalid Block number

Oracle DB Error ORA-06430 ssaio: Seals do not match

Oracle DB Error ORA-06423 NETCMN: Error in receiving data

Oracle DB Error ORA-06422 NETCMN: Error in sending data

Oracle DB Error ORA-06421 NETCMN: Error detected in the read-in data

Oracle DB Error ORA-06420 NETCMN: SID lookup failure

Oracle DB Error ORA-06419 NETCMN: server can not start oracle

Oracle DB Error ORA-06416 NETCMN: error on test

Oracle DB Error ORA-06413 Connection not open.

Oracle DB Error ORA-06408 NETCMN: incorrect message format

Oracle DB Error ORA-06407 NETCMN: unable to set up break handling environment

Oracle DB Error ORA-06406 NETCMN: error sending break message

Oracle DB Error ORA-06405 NETCMN: reset protocol error

Oracle DB Error ORA-06404 NETCMN: invalid login (connect) string

Oracle DB Error ORA-06403 Unable to allocate memory.

Oracle DB Error ORA-06402 NETCMN: error receiving break message

Oracle DB Error ORA-06401 NETCMN: invalid driver designator

Oracle DB Error ORA-06400 NETCMN: No default host string specified

Oracle DB Error ORA-06323 IPA: Cause event error

Oracle DB Error ORA-06322 IPA: Fatal shared memory error

Oracle DB Error ORA-06321 IPA: Cannot reach the remote side

Oracle DB Error ORA-06320 IPA: Remote maximum number of connections exceeded

Oracle DB Error ORA-06319 IPA: Remote maximum number of users exceeded

Oracle DB Error ORA-06318 IPA: Local maximum number of connections exceeded

Oracle DB Error ORA-06317 IPA: Local maximum number of users exceeded

Oracle DB Error ORA-06316 IPA: Invalid database SID

Oracle DB Error ORA-06315 IPA: Invalid connect string

Oracle DB Error ORA-06314 IPA: Event set up failure

Oracle DB Error ORA-06313 IPA: Shared memory failed to initialise

Oracle DB Error ORA-06312 IPA: Incorrect outgoing service name supplied

Oracle DB Error ORA-06311 IPA: Maximum number of servers reached

Oracle DB Error ORA-06310 IPA: Environment variable(s) not set

Oracle DB Error ORA-06309 IPA: No message queue available

Oracle DB Error ORA-06308 IPA: No more connections available

Oracle DB Error ORA-06307 IPA: Cannot reset connection

Oracle DB Error ORA-06306 IPA: Message write length error

Oracle DB Error ORA-06305 IPA: Illegal message type

Oracle DB Error ORA-06304 IPA: Message receive error

Oracle DB Error ORA-06303 IPA: Message send error

December 27, 2024

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