Pak/ed - Latest Questions and Articles
Pak/ed - Latest Questions and Articles
Oracle DB Error ORA-06772 TLI Driver: error sending command
Oracle DB Error ORA-06771 TLI Driver: error reading version
Oracle DB Error ORA-06770 TLI Driver: error sending version
Oracle DB Error ORA-06767 TLI Driver: alloc failed during release
Oracle DB Error ORA-06766 TLI Driver: close failed during release
Oracle DB Error ORA-06765 TLI Driver: error awaiting orderly release
Oracle DB Error ORA-06764 TLI Driver: error reading disconnect
Oracle DB Error ORA-06763 TLI Driver: error sending disconnect
Oracle DB Error ORA-06762 TLI Driver: error reading orderly release
Oracle DB Error ORA-06761 TLI Driver: error sending orderly release
Oracle DB Error ORA-06760 TLI Driver: timeout reading orderly release
Oracle DB Error ORA-06757 TLI Driver: server got bad command
Oracle DB Error ORA-06756 TLI Driver: cannot open oratab
Oracle DB Error ORA-06755 TLI Driver: cannot close transport endpoint
Oracle DB Error ORA-06754 TLI Driver: unable to get local host address
Oracle DB Error ORA-06753 TLI Driver: name-to-address mapping failed
Oracle DB Error ORA-06752 TLI: error in signal setup
Oracle DB Error ORA-06751 TLI Driver: bound addresses unequal
Oracle DB Error ORA-06750 TLI Driver: sync failed
Oracle DB Error ORA-06749 TLI Driver: option not allowed across network
Oracle DB Error ORA-06748 TLI Driver: cannot allocate t_discon
Oracle DB Error ORA-06747 TLI Driver: error in listen
Oracle DB Error ORA-06746 TLI Driver: cannot alloc t_call
Oracle DB Error ORA-06745 TLI Driver: listener already running
Oracle DB Error ORA-06744 TLI Driver: listener cannot bind
Oracle DB Error ORA-06743 TLI Driver: cannot alloc t_bind
Oracle DB Error ORA-06742 TLI Driver: cannot alloc t_bind
Oracle DB Error ORA-06741 TLI Driver: unable to open protocol device
Oracle DB Error ORA-06737 TLI Driver: connection failed
Oracle DB Error ORA-06736 TLI Driver: server not running
Oracle DB Error ORA-06735 TLI Driver: client failed to close error conn
Oracle DB Error ORA-06734 TLI Driver: cannot connect
Oracle DB Error ORA-06733 TLI Driver: failed to receive disconnect
Oracle DB Error ORA-06732 TLI Driver: cannot alloc t_discon
Oracle DB Error ORA-06731 TLI Driver: cannot alloc t_call
Oracle DB Error ORA-06730 TLI Driver: unable to open clone device
Oracle DB Error ORA-06722 TLI Driver: connection setup failure
Oracle DB Error ORA-06721 TLI Driver: spurious client req
Oracle DB Error ORA-06720 TLI Driver: SID lookup failure
Oracle DB Error ORA-06713 TLI Driver: error on connect
Oracle DB Error ORA-06712 TLI Driver: error on accept
Oracle DB Error ORA-06711 TLI Driver: error on bind
Oracle DB Error ORA-06710 TLI Driver: send interrupt break message failed
Oracle DB Error ORA-06709 TLI Driver: message send failure
Oracle DB Error ORA-06708 TLI Driver: message receive failure
Oracle DB Error ORA-06707 TLI Driver: connection failed
Oracle DB Error ORA-06706 TLI Driver: service not found
Oracle DB Error ORA-06705 TLI Driver: remote node is unknown
Oracle DB Error ORA-06704 TLI Driver: receive break message failed
Oracle DB Error ORA-06703 TLI Driver: send break message failed
Oracle DB Error ORA-06702 TLI Driver: cannot allocate context area
Oracle DB Error ORA-06701 TLI Driver: incorrect number of bytes written
Oracle DB Error ORA-06700 TLI Driver: incorrect message type from host
Oracle DB Error ORA-06610 LU6.2 Driver: Failed during deallocation
Oracle DB Error ORA-06608 LU6.2 Driver: Reset occurred in receive state
Oracle DB Error ORA-06607 LU6.2 Driver: Reset occurred in send state
Oracle DB Error ORA-06606 LU6.2 Driver: Unexpected response from SNA
Oracle DB Error ORA-06605 LU6.2 Driver: Unexpected line turnaround
Oracle DB Error ORA-06604 LU6.2 Driver: Unable to allocate session with remote LU
Oracle DB Error ORA-06603 LU6.2 Driver: Error allocating memory
Oracle DB Error ORA-06602 LU6.2 Driver: Error allocating context area
Oracle DB Error ORA-06601 LU6.2 Driver: Invalid database ID string
Oracle DB Error ORA-06600 LU6.2 Driver: SNA software is not loaded
Oracle DB Error ORA-06593 string is not supported with natively compiled PL/SQL modules
Oracle DB Error ORA-06592 CASE not found while executing CASE statement
Oracle DB Error ORA-06580 Hash Join ran out of memory while keeping large rows in memory
Oracle DB Error ORA-06578 output parameter cannot be a duplicate bind
Oracle DB Error ORA-06577 output parameter not a bind variable
Oracle DB Error ORA-06576 not a valid function or procedure name
Oracle DB Error ORA-06575 Package or function string is in an invalid state
Oracle DB Error ORA-06570 shared pool object does not exist, cannot be pinned
Oracle DB Error ORA-06569 Collection bound by bind_array contains no elements
Oracle DB Error ORA-06568 obsolete ICD procedure called
Oracle DB Error ORA-06567 invalid number of values specified
Oracle DB Error ORA-06566 invalid number of rows specified
Oracle DB Error ORA-06565 cannot execute string from within stored procedure
Oracle DB Error ORA-06564 object string does not exist
Oracle DB Error ORA-06563 top level procedure/function specified, cannot have subparts
Oracle DB Error ORA-06562 type of out argument must match type of column or bind variable
Oracle DB Error ORA-06561 given statement is not supported by package DBMS_SQL
Oracle DB Error ORA-06560 pos, string, is negative or larger than the buffer size, string
Oracle DB Error ORA-06545 PL/SQL: compilation error - compilation aborted
Oracle DB Error ORA-06544 PL/SQL: internal error, arguments: [string], [string], [string], [string], [string], [string], [string], [string]
Oracle DB Error ORA-06541 PL/SQL: compilation error - compilation aborted
Oracle DB Error ORA-06540 PL/SQL: compilation error
Oracle DB Error ORA-06539 target of OPEN must be a query
Oracle DB Error ORA-06538 statement violates string RESTRICT_REFERENCES pragma
Oracle DB Error ORA-06537 OUT bind variable bound to an IN position
Oracle DB Error ORA-06536 IN bind variable bound to an OUT position
Oracle DB Error ORA-06535 statement string in string is NULL or 0 length
February 24, 2025
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