Pak/ed - Latest Questions and Articles

Pak/ed - Latest Questions and Articles

Oracle DB Error ORA-08100 index is not valid - see trace file for diagnostics

Oracle DB Error ORA-08008 another instance is mounted with USE_ROW_ENQUEUES = string

Oracle DB Error ORA-08006 specified row no longer exists

Oracle DB Error ORA-08005 specified row does not exist

Oracle DB Error ORA-08004 sequence string.NEXTVAL string stringVALUE and cannot be instantiated

Oracle DB Error ORA-08003 sequence string.NEXTVAL exceeds internal limits

Oracle DB Error ORA-08002 sequence string.CURRVAL is not yet defined in this session

Oracle DB Error ORA-08001 maximum number of sequences per session exceeded

Oracle DB Error ORA-08000 maximum number of session sequence lists exceeded

Oracle DB Error ORA-07880 sdopnf: internal error

Oracle DB Error ORA-07860 osnsoi: error setting up interrupt handler

Oracle DB Error ORA-07850 sllfop: bad option

Oracle DB Error ORA-07849 sllfsk: $GET failure

Oracle DB Error ORA-07848 sllfrb: $GET failure

Oracle DB Error ORA-07847 sllfop: $CONNECT failure

Oracle DB Error ORA-07846 sllfop: string byte record too big for string byte user buffer

Oracle DB Error ORA-07845 sllfcl: LIB$FREE_VM failue

Oracle DB Error ORA-07844 sllfop: LIB$GET_VM failure

Oracle DB Error ORA-07843 sllfcl: LIB$FREE_VM failure

Oracle DB Error ORA-07842 sllfcl: SYS$CLOSE failure

Oracle DB Error ORA-07841 sllfop: SYS$OPEN failure

Oracle DB Error ORA-07840 sllfop: LIB$GET_VM failure

Oracle DB Error ORA-07826 sspscm: SYS$GETDVIW failure

Oracle DB Error ORA-07825 sspsck: $QIO failure at AST level

Oracle DB Error ORA-07824 sspain: $SETIMR failure

Oracle DB Error ORA-07823 sspsqr: $QIO failure

Oracle DB Error ORA-07822 sspscm: SYS$CREMBX failure

Oracle DB Error ORA-07821 sspsdn: SYS$DELLNM failure

Oracle DB Error ORA-07820 sspscn: SYS$CRELNM failure

Oracle DB Error ORA-07804 slpdtb: number too large for supplied buffer

Oracle DB Error ORA-07803 slpdtb: invalid packed decimal nibble

Oracle DB Error ORA-07802 slbtpd: overflow while converting to packed decimal

Oracle DB Error ORA-07801 slbtpd: invalid exponent

Oracle DB Error ORA-07800 slbtpd: invalid number

Oracle DB Error ORA-07760 slemtr: $open failure

Oracle DB Error ORA-07759 slemtr: invalid destination

Oracle DB Error ORA-07758 slemcw: invalid handle

Oracle DB Error ORA-07757 slemcc: invalid handle

Oracle DB Error ORA-07756 slemcf: fread failure

Oracle DB Error ORA-07755 slemcf: fseek before read failure

Oracle DB Error ORA-07754 slemcf: fwrite failure

Oracle DB Error ORA-07753 slemcf: fseek before write failure

Oracle DB Error ORA-07751 slemcr: malloc failure

Oracle DB Error ORA-07750 slemcr: fopen failure

Oracle DB Error ORA-07747 slemrd: $READ failure

Oracle DB Error ORA-07746 slemrd: invalid error message file handle

Oracle DB Error ORA-07745 slemcl: $CLOSE failure

Oracle DB Error ORA-07744 slemcl: invalid error message file handle

Oracle DB Error ORA-07743 slemop: incorrect error file attributes

Oracle DB Error ORA-07742 slemop: $CONNECT failure

Oracle DB Error ORA-07741 slemop: $OPEN failure

Oracle DB Error ORA-07740 slemop: incorrect handle size (programming error)

Oracle DB Error ORA-07721 scgcm: not enough OS resource to obtain system enqueue

Oracle DB Error ORA-07718 sksafre: error freeing memory

Oracle DB Error ORA-07717 sksaalo: error allocating memory

Oracle DB Error ORA-07716 sksachk: invalid device specification for ARCHIVE

Oracle DB Error ORA-07715 sksadtd: could not dismount archival device (SYS$DISMNT failure)

Oracle DB Error ORA-07713 sksamtd: could not mount archival device (SYS$MOUNT failure)

Oracle DB Error ORA-07710 sksaprs: file name buffer too small

Oracle DB Error ORA-07709 sksaprs: archiving to a remote host is not allowed

Oracle DB Error ORA-07708 sksaprs: tape label name buffer too small

Oracle DB Error ORA-07707 error in archive text: need tape label name

Oracle DB Error ORA-07706 error in archive text: need disk file name

Oracle DB Error ORA-07705 sksaprs: device name buffer too small

Oracle DB Error ORA-07702 unrecognized device type in archive text

Oracle DB Error ORA-07701 sksatln: internal exception: output buffer too small

Oracle DB Error ORA-07700 sksarch: interrupt received

Oracle DB Error ORA-07685 sou2os: supervisor stack set error

Oracle DB Error ORA-07684 sou2os: supervisor stack reset error

Oracle DB Error ORA-07683 sou2os: $SETPRV reset error

Oracle DB Error ORA-07682 sou2os: set kernel dispatch fail err

Oracle DB Error ORA-07681 sou2os: An error occurred while initializing Oracle

Oracle DB Error ORA-07680 sou2os: another call to ORACLE currently executing

Oracle DB Error ORA-07672 $PARSE_CLASS failed translating the string into a binary label

Oracle DB Error ORA-07671 $IDTOASC failed translating an integrity category

Oracle DB Error ORA-07670 $IDTOASC failed translating a secrecy category

Oracle DB Error ORA-07665 ssrexhd: recursive exception encountered string string string string string string

Oracle DB Error ORA-07658 slsprom:$QIOW read failure

Oracle DB Error ORA-07657 slsprom:$ASSIGN failure

Oracle DB Error ORA-07656 slsprom:$GETDVI failure

Oracle DB Error ORA-07655 slsprom:$TRNLOG failure

Oracle DB Error ORA-07650 sigunc: $GETJPIW failure

Oracle DB Error ORA-07647 sszfck: $OPEN failure

Oracle DB Error ORA-07646 sszfck: $CREATE failure

Oracle DB Error ORA-07645 sszfsl: $CHANGE_CLASS failure

Oracle DB Error ORA-07643 smsalo: SMSVAR is invalid

Oracle DB Error ORA-07642 smprtset: $CMKRNL failure

Oracle DB Error ORA-07641 smscre: Unable to use the system pagefile for the SGA

Oracle DB Error ORA-07640 smsget: SGA not yet valid. Initialization in progress

Oracle DB Error ORA-07639 smscre: SGA pad area not large enough (string bytes required)

December 26, 2024

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