Pak/ed - Latest Questions and Articles

Pak/ed - Latest Questions and Articles

Oracle DB Error ORA-09352 Windows 32-bit Two-Task driver unable to spawn new ORACLE task

Oracle DB Error ORA-09351 Windows 32-bit Two-Task driver unable to allocate shared memory

Oracle DB Error ORA-09350 Windows 32-bit Two-Task driver unable to allocate context area

Oracle DB Error ORA-09344 spsig: error signalling thread

Oracle DB Error ORA-09342 Detached process terminated by Oracle during shutdown abort

Oracle DB Error ORA-09341 scumnt: unable to mount database

Oracle DB Error ORA-09340 Specified ORACLE_SID is either invalid or too long

Oracle DB Error ORA-09330 Session terminated internally by Oracle or by an Oracle DBA

Oracle DB Error ORA-09322 slpdtb: unable to convert packed decimal to binary

Oracle DB Error ORA-09321 slzdtb: unable to convert zoned decimal to binary

Oracle DB Error ORA-09320 szrfc: unable to obtain the list of valid OS roles

Oracle DB Error ORA-09319 slgtd: unable to obtain the current date and time

Oracle DB Error ORA-09318 slkhst: unable to host out to operating system

Oracle DB Error ORA-09317 szprv: insufficient privileges

Oracle DB Error ORA-09316 szrpc: unable to verify password for role

Oracle DB Error ORA-09315 sql2tt: two-task error translating ORACLE_EXECUTABLE

Oracle DB Error ORA-09314 sltln: error translating logical name

Oracle DB Error ORA-09313 slsprom: error prompting user

Oracle DB Error ORA-09312 slspool: error spooling file to printer

Oracle DB Error ORA-09311 slsleep: error temporarily suspending process

Oracle DB Error ORA-09310 sclgt: error freeing latch

Oracle DB Error ORA-09301 osncon: local kernel only supported in standard mode

Oracle DB Error ORA-09300 osncon: unable to connect, DPMI not available

Oracle DB Error ORA-09293 sksasmo: unable to send message to console

Oracle DB Error ORA-09292 sksabln: unable to build archive file name

Oracle DB Error ORA-09291 sksachk: invalid device specified for archive destination

Oracle DB Error ORA-09290 sksaalo: error allocating memory for archival

Oracle DB Error ORA-09285 sllfop: unrecognizable processing option, incorrect format

Oracle DB Error ORA-09284 sllfop: cannot allocate read buffer

Oracle DB Error ORA-09283 sllfsk: error skipping records

Oracle DB Error ORA-09282 sllfrb: error reading records

Oracle DB Error ORA-09281 sllfop: error opening file

Oracle DB Error ORA-09280 sllfcf: error closing file

Oracle DB Error ORA-09275 CONNECT INTERNAL is not a valid DBA connection

Oracle DB Error ORA-09274 szrfc: insufficient role name buffer space

Oracle DB Error ORA-09273 szrfc: error verifying role name

Oracle DB Error ORA-09272 remote os logon is not allowed

Oracle DB Error ORA-09271 szlon: error verifying user name

Oracle DB Error ORA-09270 szalloc: error allocating memory for security

Oracle DB Error ORA-09266 spawn: error starting an Oracle process

Oracle DB Error ORA-09265 spwat: error temporarily suspending process

Oracle DB Error ORA-09264 sptpa: error flagging process

Oracle DB Error ORA-09263 spini: error initializing process

Oracle DB Error ORA-09262 spdde: error terminating detached (background) process

Oracle DB Error ORA-09261 spdcr: error creating detached (background) process

Oracle DB Error ORA-09260 sigpidu: error obtaining process id

Oracle DB Error ORA-09247 smsdes: error destroying the SGA

Oracle DB Error ORA-09246 sfsmap: unable to map SGA

Oracle DB Error ORA-09245 smcstk: error switching stacks

Oracle DB Error ORA-09244 smprset: error setting memory protections

Oracle DB Error ORA-09243 smsget: error attaching to SGA

Oracle DB Error ORA-09242 smscre: error creating SGA

Oracle DB Error ORA-09241 smsalo: error allocating SGA memory

Oracle DB Error ORA-09240 smpalo: error allocating PGA memory

Oracle DB Error ORA-09218 sfrfs: failed to refresh file size

Oracle DB Error ORA-09217 sfsfs: failed to resize file

Oracle DB Error ORA-09215 sfqio: error detected in IOCompletionRoutine

Oracle DB Error ORA-09214 sfdone: I/O error detected

Oracle DB Error ORA-09213 slgfn: error fabricating file name

Oracle DB Error ORA-09212 sfwfbmt: error writing to file

Oracle DB Error ORA-09211 sfwfb: error writing to file

Oracle DB Error ORA-09210 sftopn: error opening file

Oracle DB Error ORA-09209 sftget: error reading from file

Oracle DB Error ORA-09208 sftcls: error closing file

Oracle DB Error ORA-09207 sfsrd: error reading from file

Oracle DB Error ORA-09206 sfrfb: error reading from file

Oracle DB Error ORA-09205 sfqio: error reading or writing to disk

Oracle DB Error ORA-09204 sfotf: error opening temporary file

Oracle DB Error ORA-09203 sfofi: error opening file

Oracle DB Error ORA-09202 sfifi: error identifying file

Oracle DB Error ORA-09201 sfcopy: error copying file

Oracle DB Error ORA-09200 sfccf: error creating file

Oracle DB Error ORA-08467 error converting Oracle number to string

Oracle DB Error ORA-08466 raw buffer length string is too short for string

Oracle DB Error ORA-08465 input mask contains more than 32 characters

Oracle DB Error ORA-08464 input raw decimal data contains more than 42 digits

Oracle DB Error ORA-08463 overflow converting decimal number to Oracle number

Oracle DB Error ORA-08462 raw buffer contains invalid decimal data

Oracle DB Error ORA-08460 invalid environment clause in environment parameter

Oracle DB Error ORA-08459 invalid format parameter length

Oracle DB Error ORA-08458 invalid format parameter

Oracle DB Error ORA-08457 syntax error in SEPARATE CHARACTER option of SIGN clause

Oracle DB Error ORA-08456 no sign in picture mask but SIGN clause in mask options

Oracle DB Error ORA-08455 syntax error in CURRENCY SIGN environment clause

Oracle DB Error ORA-08454 more than one S symbol specified in picture mask

Oracle DB Error ORA-08453 more than one V symbol specified in picture mask

Oracle DB Error ORA-08452 specification of E in picture mask is unsupported

Oracle DB Error ORA-08451 invalid specification of DB in picture mask

Oracle DB Error ORA-08450 invalid specification of CR in picture mask

Oracle DB Error ORA-08449 invalid numeric symbol found in picture mask

February 24, 2025

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