Pak/ed - Latest Questions and Articles

Pak/ed - Latest Questions and Articles

Oracle DB Error ORA-12033 cannot use filter columns from materialized view log on "string"."string"

Oracle DB Error ORA-12032 cannot use rowid column from materialized view log on "string"."string"

Oracle DB Error ORA-12031 cannot use primary key columns from materialized view log on "string"."string"

Oracle DB Error ORA-12029 LOB columns may not be used as filter columns

Oracle DB Error ORA-12028 materialized view type is not supported by master site string

Oracle DB Error ORA-12027 duplicate filter column

Oracle DB Error ORA-12026 invalid filter column detected

Oracle DB Error ORA-12025 materialized view log on "string"."string" already has primary keys

Oracle DB Error ORA-12024 materialized view log on "string"."string" does not have primary key columns

Oracle DB Error ORA-12023 missing index on materialized view "string"."string"

Oracle DB Error ORA-12022 materialized view log on "string"."string" already has rowid

Oracle DB Error ORA-12021 materialized view "string"."string" is corrupt

Oracle DB Error ORA-12020 materialized view string is not registered

Oracle DB Error ORA-12019 master table is a synonym to a remote object

Oracle DB Error ORA-12018 following error encountered during code generation for "string"."string"

Oracle DB Error ORA-12016 materialized view does not include all primary key columns

Oracle DB Error ORA-12015 cannot create a fast refresh materialized view from a complex query

Oracle DB Error ORA-12013 updatable materialized views must be simple enough to do fast refresh

Oracle DB Error ORA-12012 error on auto execute of job string

Oracle DB Error ORA-12011 execution of string jobs failed

Oracle DB Error ORA-12010 cannot create materialized view log on table owned by SYS

Oracle DB Error ORA-12009 materialized views may not contain long columns

Oracle DB Error ORA-12008 error in materialized view refresh path

Oracle DB Error ORA-12007 materialized view reuse parameters are inconsistent

Oracle DB Error ORA-12006 a materialized view with the same already exists

Oracle DB Error ORA-12005 may not schedule automatic refresh for times in the past

Oracle DB Error ORA-12004 REFRESH FAST cannot be used for materialized view "string"."string"

Oracle DB Error ORA-12003 materialized view "string"."string" does not exist

Oracle DB Error ORA-12002 there is no materialized view log on table "string"."string"

Oracle DB Error ORA-10651 incorrect file number block number specified

Oracle DB Error ORA-10647 Tablespace other than SYSTEM,string, string not found in read only mode

Oracle DB Error ORA-10646 Too many recursive extensions during SYSTEM tablespace migration

Oracle DB Error ORA-10644 SYSTEM tablespace cannot be default temporary tablespace

Oracle DB Error ORA-10643 Database should be mounted in restricted mode and Exclusive mode

Oracle DB Error ORA-10642 Found rollback segments in dictionary managed tablespaces

Oracle DB Error ORA-10641 Cannot find a rollback segment to bind to

Oracle DB Error ORA-10640 Operation not permitted during SYSTEM tablespace migration

Oracle DB Error ORA-10621 data block does not belong to the segment

Oracle DB Error ORA-10620 Operation not allowed on this segment

Oracle DB Error ORA-10618 Operation not allowed on this segment

Oracle DB Error ORA-10617 Cannot create rollback segment in dictionary managed tablespace

Oracle DB Error ORA-10616 Operation not allowed on this tablespace

Oracle DB Error ORA-10615 Invalid tablespace type for temporary tablespace

Oracle DB Error ORA-10614 Operation not allowed on this segment

Oracle DB Error ORA-10589 Test recovery had to corrupt string data blocks in order to proceed

Oracle DB Error ORA-10588 Can only allow 1 corruption for normal media/standby recovery

Oracle DB Error ORA-10587 Invalid count for ALLOW n CORRUPTION option

Oracle DB Error ORA-10586 Test recovery had to corrupt 1 data block in order to proceed

Oracle DB Error ORA-10585 Test recovery can not apply redo that may modify control file

Oracle DB Error ORA-10584 Can not invoke parallel recovery for test recovery

Oracle DB Error ORA-10583 Can not recover file string renamed as missing during test recovery

Oracle DB Error ORA-10582 The control file is not a backup control file

Oracle DB Error ORA-10581 Can not modify redo log header during test recovery

Oracle DB Error ORA-10580 Can not modify datafile header during test recovery

Oracle DB Error ORA-10579 Can not modify control file during test recovery

Oracle DB Error ORA-10578 Can not allow corruption for managed standby database recovery

Oracle DB Error ORA-10577 Can not invoke test recovery for managed standby database recovery

Oracle DB Error ORA-10576 Give up restoring recovered datafiles to consistent state: some error occurred

Oracle DB Error ORA-10575 Give up restoring recovered datafiles to consistent state: out of memory

Oracle DB Error ORA-10574 Test recovery did not corrupt any data block

Oracle DB Error ORA-10573 Test recovery tested redo from change string to string

Oracle DB Error ORA-10572 Test recovery canceled due to errors

Oracle DB Error ORA-10571 Test recovery canceled

Oracle DB Error ORA-10570 Test recovery complete

Oracle DB Error ORA-10568 Failed to allocate recovery state object: out of SGA memory

Oracle DB Error ORA-10566 Test recovery has used all the memory it can use

Oracle DB Error ORA-10565 Another test recovery session is active

Oracle DB Error ORA-10564 tablespace string

Oracle DB Error ORA-10563 Test recovery had to corrupt data block (file# string, block# string) in order to proceed

Oracle DB Error ORA-10562 Error occurred while applying redo to data block (file# string, block# string)

Oracle DB Error ORA-09989 attempt to use invalid skgmsdef struct pointer

Oracle DB Error ORA-09988 error while detaching SGA

Oracle DB Error ORA-09987 unable to attach to SGA in READ-ONLY mode

Oracle DB Error ORA-09986 wrong number of bytes read from SGA definition file

Oracle DB Error ORA-09985 SGA definition file could not be read

Oracle DB Error ORA-09984 SGA file $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/sgadef$ORACLE_SID.dbf does not exist

Oracle DB Error ORA-09983 skxfidsht: Error shutting down SDI channel

Oracle DB Error ORA-09982 skxfqddrg: Error Removing a page from the SDI buffer pool

Oracle DB Error ORA-09981 skxfqdreg: Error Adding a page to the SDI buffer pool

Oracle DB Error ORA-09980 skxfqdrcv: Error Receiving a message from another endpoint

Oracle DB Error ORA-09979 skxfqhsnd: Error Sending a message to another endpoint

Oracle DB Error ORA-09978 skxfqhdel: Error Disconnecting from another endpoint.

Oracle DB Error ORA-09977 skxfqhini: Error Connecting

Oracle DB Error ORA-09976 skxfqdini: Error Creating Port

Oracle DB Error ORA-09975 kxfspini: Error Initializing SDI Process

Oracle DB Error ORA-09974 skxfidini: Error Initializing SDI Channel

Oracle DB Error ORA-09969 scurls: unable to close lock file

Oracle DB Error ORA-09968 scumnt: unable to lock file

Oracle DB Error ORA-09967 scumnt: unable to create or open file

Oracle DB Error ORA-09966 scumnt: translation error while expanding ?/dbs/lk

February 24, 2025

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