Pak/ed - Latest Questions and Articles

Pak/ed - Latest Questions and Articles

Oracle DB Error ORA-12415 A column of another datatype exists on the specified table

Oracle DB Error ORA-12414 internal LBAC error: string Error: string

Oracle DB Error ORA-12413 labels do not belong to the same policy

Oracle DB Error ORA-12412 policy package string is not installed

Oracle DB Error ORA-12411 invalid label value

Oracle DB Error ORA-12410 internal policy error for policy: string Error: string

Oracle DB Error ORA-12409 policy startup failure for string policy

Oracle DB Error ORA-12408 unsupported operation: string

Oracle DB Error ORA-12407 unauthorized operation for policy string

Oracle DB Error ORA-12406 unauthorized SQL statement for policy string

Oracle DB Error ORA-12405 invalid label list

Oracle DB Error ORA-12404 invalid privilege string: string

Oracle DB Error ORA-12403 invalid internal label

Oracle DB Error ORA-12402 invalid format string: string

Oracle DB Error ORA-12401 invalid label string: string

Oracle DB Error ORA-12400 invalid argument to facility error handling

Oracle DB Error ORA-12354 secondary object being dropped

Oracle DB Error ORA-12353 secondary stored object cannot reference remote object

Oracle DB Error ORA-12352 object string.string@string is invalid

Oracle DB Error ORA-12351 cannot create view using a remote object which has a remote object reference

Oracle DB Error ORA-12350 database link being dropped is still mounted

Oracle DB Error ORA-12345 user string lacks CREATE SESSION privilege in database link (linkname string)

Oracle DB Error ORA-12342 open mounts exceeds limit set on the OPEN_MOUNTS parameter

Oracle DB Error ORA-12341 maximum number of open mounts exceeded

Oracle DB Error ORA-12336 cannot login to database (link name string)

Oracle DB Error ORA-12335 database (link name string) is not open

Oracle DB Error ORA-12334 database (link name string) is still open

Oracle DB Error ORA-12333 database (link name string) is not mounted

Oracle DB Error ORA-12329 database string is closed; no operations are permitted

Oracle DB Error ORA-12326 database string is closing immediately; no operations are permitted

Oracle DB Error ORA-12324 cannot use the ROM: link type on a private database link

Oracle DB Error ORA-12323 unable to open database (link name string)

Oracle DB Error ORA-12322 unable to mount database (link name string)

Oracle DB Error ORA-12321 database (link name string) is not open and AUTO_MOUNTING=FALSE

Oracle DB Error ORA-12319 database (link name string) is already open

Oracle DB Error ORA-12318 database (link name string) is already mounted

Oracle DB Error ORA-12317 logon to database (link name string) denied

Oracle DB Error ORA-12069 invalid object for offline instantiation

Oracle DB Error ORA-12068 updatable mview log for mview "string"."string" does not exist

Oracle DB Error ORA-12067 empty refresh groups are not allowed

Oracle DB Error ORA-12097 changes in the master tables during refresh, try refresh again

Oracle DB Error ORA-12096 error in materialized view log on "string"."string"

Oracle DB Error ORA-12094 error during online redefinition

Oracle DB Error ORA-12093 invalid interim table "string"."string"

Oracle DB Error ORA-12092 cannot online redefine replicated table "string"."string"

Oracle DB Error ORA-12091 cannot online redefine table "string"."string" with materialized views

Oracle DB Error ORA-12090 cannot online redefine table "string"."string"

Oracle DB Error ORA-12089 cannot online redefine table "string"."string" with no primary key

Oracle DB Error ORA-12088 cannot online redefine table "string"."string" with unsupported datatype

Oracle DB Error ORA-12087 online redefinition not allowed on tables owned by "string"

Oracle DB Error ORA-12086 table "string"."string" is not an object table

Oracle DB Error ORA-12085 materialized view log on "string"."string" already has object id

Oracle DB Error ORA-12084 must use ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW to alter string.string

Oracle DB Error ORA-12083 must use DROP MATERIALIZED VIEW to drop string.string

Oracle DB Error ORA-12081 update operation not allowed on table string.string

Oracle DB Error ORA-12078 fast refresh of refresh group ID string failed

PU - Sample Papers for Master of Business Administration (MBA)

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Oracle DB Error ORA-12077 temporary updatable materialized view log does not exist

Oracle DB Error ORA-12076 invalid threshold value

Oracle DB Error ORA-12075 invalid object or field

Oracle DB Error ORA-12074 invalid memory address

Oracle DB Error ORA-12073 request cannot be processed

Oracle DB Error ORA-12065 unknown refresh group identifier string

Oracle DB Error ORA-12064 invalid refresh sequence number: string

Oracle DB Error ORA-12063 unable to apply transaction from site string

Oracle DB Error ORA-12062 transaction string received out of sequence from site string

Oracle DB Error ORA-12061 invalid ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW option

Oracle DB Error ORA-12060 shape of prebuilt table does not match definition query

Oracle DB Error ORA-12059 prebuilt table "string"."string" does not exist

Oracle DB Error ORA-12058 materialized view cannot use prebuilt table

Oracle DB Error ORA-12057 materialized view "string"."string" is INVALID and must complete refresh

Oracle DB Error ORA-12055 materialized view definition contains cyclic dependencies with existing materialized views

Oracle DB Error ORA-12054 cannot set the ON COMMIT refresh attribute for the materialized view

Oracle DB Error ORA-12053 this is not a valid nested materialized view

Oracle DB Error ORA-12052 cannot fast refresh materialized view string.string

Oracle DB Error ORA-12051 ON COMMIT attribute is incompatible with other options

Oracle DB Error ORA-12045 invalid ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW LOG option

Oracle DB Error ORA-12044 invalid CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW LOG option

Oracle DB Error ORA-12043 invalid CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW option

Oracle DB Error ORA-12042 cannot alter job_queue_processes in single process mode

Oracle DB Error ORA-12041 cannot record ROWIDs for index-organized table "string"."string"

Oracle DB Error ORA-12040 master rollback segment option not support by master site string

Oracle DB Error ORA-12039 unable to use local rollback segment "string"

Oracle DB Error ORA-12037 unknown export format

Oracle DB Error ORA-12036 updatable materialized view log is not empty, refresh materialized view

Oracle DB Error ORA-12035 could not use materialized view log on "string"."string"

Oracle DB Error ORA-12034 materialized view log on "string"."string" younger than last refresh

February 24, 2025

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