Pak/ed - Latest Questions and Articles

Pak/ed - Latest Questions and Articles

Oracle DB Error ORA-24330 internal OCI error

Oracle DB Error ORA-24329 invalid character set identifier

Oracle DB Error ORA-24328 illegal attribute value

Oracle DB Error ORA-24327 need explicit attach before authenticating a user

Oracle DB Error ORA-24326 handle passed in is already initialized

Oracle DB Error ORA-24325 this OCI operation is not currently allowed

Oracle DB Error ORA-24324 service handle not initialized

Oracle DB Error ORA-24323 value not allowed

Oracle DB Error ORA-24322 unable to delete an initialized mutex

Oracle DB Error ORA-24321 inconsistent parameters passed

Oracle DB Error ORA-24320 unable to initialize a mutex

Oracle DB Error ORA-24319 unable to allocate memory

Oracle DB Error ORA-24318 call not allowed for scalar data types

Oracle DB Error ORA-24317 define handle used in a different position

Oracle DB Error ORA-24316 illegal handle type

Oracle DB Error ORA-24315 illegal attribute type

Oracle DB Error ORA-24314 service handle not initialized

Oracle DB Error ORA-24313 user already authenticated

Oracle DB Error ORA-24312 illegal parameters specified for allocating user memory

Oracle DB Error ORA-24311 memory initialization failed

Oracle DB Error ORA-24310 length specified for null connect string

Oracle DB Error ORA-24309 already connected to a server

Oracle DB Error ORA-24308 illegal define position

Oracle DB Error ORA-24307 invalid length for piece

Oracle DB Error ORA-24306 bad buffer for piece

Oracle DB Error ORA-24305 bad bind or define context

Oracle DB Error ORA-24304 datatype not allowed for this call

Oracle DB Error ORA-24303 call not supported in non-deferred linkage

Oracle DB Error ORA-24302 host connection in use by another thread

Oracle DB Error ORA-24301 null host specified in thread-safe logon

Oracle DB Error ORA-24300 bad value for mode

Oracle DB Error ORA-24281 invalid access past the maximum size of LOB parameter string

Oracle DB Error ORA-24280 invalid input value for parameter string

Oracle DB Error ORA-24274 no row exists in the string table for these parameters

Oracle DB Error ORA-24273 translation text is required if translation type is T or S

Oracle DB Error ORA-24272 initialization value must be either F or T

Oracle DB Error ORA-24271 translation type must be either T, S or M

Oracle DB Error ORA-24202 publisher does not exist for the queue

Oracle DB Error ORA-24201 duplicate publisher, publisher already added to the queue

Oracle DB Error ORA-24193 the property value exceeds the valid range string

Oracle DB Error ORA-24192 the property name cannot be null

Oracle DB Error ORA-24191 the property name string has existed

Oracle DB Error ORA-24190 length of payload excceeds string

Oracle DB Error ORA-24186 wrong object type, could not transform message

Oracle DB Error ORA-24185 Transformation string.string, does not exist

Oracle DB Error ORA-24184 transformation string.string, already exists

Oracle DB Error ORA-24183 invalid transformation

Oracle DB Error ORA-24182 attribute number specified does not exist

Oracle DB Error ORA-24181 The type string does not exist

Oracle DB Error ORA-24180 invalid transformation expression, the transformation expression does not evaluate to the target type/attribute

Oracle DB Error ORA-24169 rule condition has unrecognized variables

Oracle DB Error ORA-24168 rule string.string cannot have default evaluation context

Oracle DB Error ORA-24167 incompatible rule engine objects, cannot downgrade

Oracle DB Error ORA-24166 evaluation context string.string has errors

Oracle DB Error ORA-24165 invalid rule engine object privilege: string

Oracle DB Error ORA-24164 invalid rule engine system privilege: string

Oracle DB Error ORA-24163 dblink is not supported in rules engine DDLs

Oracle DB Error ORA-24162 name value pair list is full, cannot add another entry

Oracle DB Error ORA-23448 duplicate user parameter value

Oracle DB Error ORA-23447 missing user parameter value

Oracle DB Error ORA-23446 duplicate template site

Oracle DB Error ORA-23445 missing template site

Oracle DB Error ORA-23444 duplicate template parameter

Oracle DB Error ORA-23443 missing template parameter

Oracle DB Error ORA-23442 object already exists for the refresh group template

Oracle DB Error ORA-23441 object does not exist for refresh group template

Oracle DB Error ORA-23440 incorrect public template value

Oracle DB Error ORA-23439 refresh group template already exists

Oracle DB Error ORA-23438 missing refresh group template

Oracle DB Error ORA-23437 template authorization already exists for user

Oracle DB Error ORA-23436 missing template authorization for user

Oracle DB Error ORA-23435 cannot create an updatable ROWID materialized view with LOB columns

Oracle DB Error ORA-23434 master site string not known for object group

Oracle DB Error ORA-23433 executing against wrong master site string

Oracle DB Error ORA-23432 master site string already exists

Oracle DB Error ORA-23431 wrong state: string

Oracle DB Error ORA-23430 argument "string" cannot be NULL or empty string

Oracle DB Error ORA-23428 job associated instance number string is not valid

Oracle DB Error ORA-23427 deferred purge queue argument string out of range

Oracle DB Error ORA-23426 deferred RPC queue has entries for string

Oracle DB Error ORA-23425 invalid materialized view identifier string

Oracle DB Error ORA-23424 materialized view "string"."string" at string not registered

Oracle DB Error ORA-23423 job number string is not positive

Oracle DB Error ORA-23422 Oracle Server could not generate an unused job number

Oracle DB Error ORA-23421 job number string is not a job in the job queue

Oracle DB Error ORA-23420 interval must evaluate to a time in the future

Oracle DB Error ORA-23419 regenerate replication support before resuming master activity

Oracle DB Error ORA-23418 cannot unregister the propagator who is currently in use

Oracle DB Error ORA-23417 unknown materialized view type: string

Oracle DB Error ORA-23416 table "string"."string" does not contain a primary key constraint

December 25, 2024

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