Pak/ed - Latest Questions and Articles

Pak/ed - Latest Questions and Articles

Oracle DB Error ORA-01842 quarter must be between 1 and 4

Oracle DB Error ORA-01843 not a valid month

Oracle DB Error ORA-01844 week of year must be between 1 and 52

Oracle DB Error ORA-01845 week of month must be between 1 and 5

Oracle DB Error ORA-01847 day of month must be between 1 and last day of month

Oracle DB Error ORA-01848 day of year must be between 1 and 365 (366 for leap year)

Oracle DB Error ORA-01849 hour must be between 1 and 12

Oracle DB Error ORA-01850 hour must be between 0 and 23

Oracle DB Error ORA-01851 minutes must be between 0 and 59

Oracle DB Error ORA-01852 seconds must be between 0 and 59

Oracle DB Error ORA-01853 seconds in day must be between 0 and 86399

Oracle DB Error ORA-01854 julian date must be between 1 and 5373484

Oracle DB Error ORA-01855 AM/A.M. or PM/P.M. required

Oracle DB Error ORA-01856 BC/B.C. or AD/A.D. required

Oracle DB Error ORA-01857 not a valid time zone

Oracle DB Error ORA-01858 a non-numeric character was found where a numeric was expected

Oracle DB Error ORA-01859 a non-alphabetic character was found where an alphabetic was expected

Oracle DB Error ORA-01860 week of year must be between 1 and 53

Oracle DB Error ORA-01861 literal does not match format string

Oracle DB Error ORA-01862 the numeric value does not match the length of the format item

December 23, 2024

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