Pak/ed - Latest Questions and Articles

Pak/ed - Latest Questions and Articles

Oracle DB Error ORA-22892 scoped table "string" does not exist in schema "string"

Oracle DB Error ORA-22893 constraint can be specified only for REF columns

Oracle DB Error ORA-22894 cannot add constraint on existing unscoped REF columns of non-empty tables

Oracle DB Error ORA-22895 referenced table "string" in schema "string" is not an object table

Oracle DB Error ORA-22896 cannot have both scope and referential constraint on REF column "string"

Oracle DB Error ORA-22897 no scope clause specified for user-defined REF column "string"

Oracle DB Error ORA-22898 existing scope clause on "string" points to a table other than the one mentioned in the referential constraint

Oracle DB Error ORA-22899 cannot specify both scope and rowid constraint on ref column

Oracle DB Error ORA-22900 the SELECT list item of THE subquery is not a collection type

Oracle DB Error ORA-22901 cannot compare nested table or VARRAY or LOB attributes of an object type

Oracle DB Error ORA-22902 CURSOR expression not allowed

Oracle DB Error ORA-22903 MULTISET expression not allowed

Oracle DB Error ORA-22904 invalid reference to a nested table column

Oracle DB Error ORA-22905 cannot access rows from a non-nested table item

Oracle DB Error ORA-22906 cannot perform DML on expression or on nested table view column

Oracle DB Error ORA-22907 invalid CAST to a type that is not a nested table or VARRAY

Oracle DB Error ORA-22908 reference to NULL table value

Oracle DB Error ORA-22909 exceeded maximum VARRAY limit

Oracle DB Error ORA-22910 cannot specify schema name for nested tables

Oracle DB Error ORA-22911 duplicate storage specification for the nested table item

February 27, 2025

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