Pak/ed - Latest Questions and Articles

Pak/ed - Latest Questions and Articles

What is difference between a form and a report?

What were the prominent features of third generation DBMSs?

When is it appropriate to transform an attribute into an entity type?

What is an incorrect cardinality and how is it resolved?

How is an M-N relationship converted to the Relational Model?

What are the modeling elements in a UML class diagram?

What two actions on referenced rows can affect related rows in a child table?

Why are the restrict and project operators widely used in databases?

What data model changes are involved in transforming an attribute to an entity type?

What is a relationship cycle in databases?

How is a 1-1 relationship converted to the Relational Model?

What are the criteria for choosing a primary key in databases?

What is binding for a database programming language?

Oracle DB Error ORA-00901 invalid CREATE command

Oracle DB Error ORA-00902 invalid datatype

Oracle DB Error ORA-00903 invalid table name

Oracle DB Error ORA-00904 string: invalid identifier

Oracle DB Error ORA-00905 missing keyword

Oracle DB Error ORA-00907 missing right parenthesis

Oracle DB Error ORA-00908 missing NULL keyword

February 22, 2025

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