What is the starting salary of a Java Developer in Lahore?

What is the starting salary of a Java Developer in Lahore?

According to the IT Salary Survey 2014, published by Pakistan Software Houses Association for IT & IT ES (P@SHA), the average salary for Entry Level Java Developer (Software Engineer) in Lahore in year 2014 was Rs. 51,250.

According to the survey, the national average salary for Entry Level Java Developer in 2014 was Rs. 47,718, whereas the average salary in Islamabad and Karachi was Rs. 49,615- and Rs. 41,574 respectively.

The survey also noted that the 15.4% of the entry level java programmers in Pakistan are being paid more than Rs. 70,000 per month in basic salary. In the survey report, an entry level function denotes 0-3 years of experience. A copy of survey can be downloaded from the official website of P@SHA.

For salary structures of various positions offered by private and public sector organizations in Pakistan, see Average Salaries and Job Positions in Pakistan.

Tags: Java, Salary, Lahore, Pakistan, Jobs, Compensation

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