Unilever Management Trainee Job

Unilever Management Trainee Job

According to the official website of Unilever, the Management Trainee (MT) programme focuses on different functions of the company. In short, throughout the MT programme you will get the opportunity to work in major departments of the company. Unilever Pakistan offers a comprehensive and rigorous two year schedule that aims to develop future leaders by exposing the individuals to areas of the Company.

Eligibility Criteria:

- Fresh Graduates: Masters or 4 year Bachelor Degrees
- Candidates with upto 2 years of experience
- Not more than 28 years of age
- GPA 3.0 and above

Note: The criteria maybe subject to change. For up-to-criteria, visit the official website of Unilever.

The application form and sample test can be downloaded from Careers section of the official website.

Tags: Pakistan, Jobs, University, College, Education, Unilever

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