PIA fares - Karachi to Islamabad

PIA fares - Karachi to Islamabad

The current PIA fares for flights from Karachi to Islamabad are available at the following site:


Please note that fares are subject to change. You may contact PIA at the following contact numbers for details:

111-786-786 (Pakistan)
1-800-578-6786 (Canada)
0800-90-5350 (France)
800-844-0524 (Saudi Arabia)
8000-441-1270 (UAE)
0-800-587-1023 (UK)
1-800-578-6786 (USA)

About PIA: Pakistan International Airlines (PIA) is Pakistan’s flagship national airline that has been an air travel pioneer since its inception in 1955. PIA has many firsts to its credit and continues to soar, ever committed to innovation and rich customer experiences. With a fleet of young airplanes, a crew dedicated to providing the highest standards of in-flight service, and stellar management, PIA is an airline that’s going places.

Tags: PIA, Airlines, IATA, CAA, Airport, Flights, Schedule, Ticket, Rate

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