Credit Card - Why is my credit card authorization declined?

Credit Card - Why is my credit card authorization declined?

The authorization may be declined in any of the following events:

1. Payment not received against the previous Statement of Account.
2. Duplicate authorization taken by the merchant in case of foreign transactions, which gets cancelled after 14 days.
3. Amount blocked due to difference in the transaction amount and billing amount. What happens is that once a merchant takes authorization for a foreign transaction, the amount for which he takes the authorization is a given amount by which the credit limit decreases. When the same transaction is billed to the customer after currency conversions, the amount billed is different from the one against which the initial authorization was taken. The two amounts, therefore do not match and the credit limit gets decreased by both the amounts. This is a general practice followed all over the world. For deatails, contact you credit card issuer.

Tags: Bank, SBP, Pakistan, Ranking, American EXpress, VISA, MasterCard, Business

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