Average Salary in Pakistan of part qualified CIMA students

Average Salary in Pakistan of part qualified CIMA students

According to the Salary Survey 2013, issued by Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA), in 2013, part qualified CIMA students in Pakistan earned on average PKR 59,243 in basic monthly salary plus PKR 3,824 in bonus payments, totalling PKR 63,067.

In 2012, the CIMA revealed that part qualified CIMA students in Pakistan were earning on average PKR 68,203 in basic monthly salary plus PKR 5,770 in monthly bonus payments, totalling PKR 73,973 per month.

According to the 2013 survey, among students, 44% are satisfied with their current salary, which is lower than the 58% reported in 2012 and 51% in 2011. However, at 73%, satisfaction with salary in 2013 is much higher among students aged 35–44 years compared to younger age groups. This is related to the significantly greater total salary of PKR114,686 earned by this age group – a difference of 82% against the average for all CIMA students in Pakistan.2 These findings show that both actual salary and salary satisfaction rise substantially with relevant experience.

The CIMA surveys can be downloaded from the offical website of the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA).

Tags: CIMA, ACCA, HEC, Accounting, Business, Salary

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